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Rock Creature


This was a little project made for my contextual studies course at university in 2018. It shows a rock with moss growing on it coming to life and morphing into a different shaped creature. I was happy with the pacing and fluidity of this piece, I learned a lot from my previous attempts at stop motion before it. There were many pairs of card eyes cut out for this piece, as I wanted them to be the focal point and convey how the character was feeling at any given moment. Like the others, this project was filmed using iMotion on an iPhone.

Man and his Dinosaur

For this little home project, I wanted to practice building forms growing from nothing in a way that was fluid, and I got the idea to have the man be somewhat expressive with the use of paper eyes cut into different shapes. I found this to be effective, and so was used to a greater extent in a later project. It was filmed in 2016 on an iPhone using iMotion.

Digital Art GCSE Exam


This was an animation I made for my Digital Art GCSE mock exam back in 2015. It was filmed on an iPad supplied by my school with the stop motion app iMotion. At this time, I used polymer clay for the monster which I soon learned was not a good medium for stop motion as it is not malleable, and is very inflexible. This knowledge informed my later projects.

Digital Art GCSE Mock Exam


This stop motion was made for my Digital Art GCSE exam in 2015. Like the mock exam, it was filmed on an iPad with the iMotion stop motion app. Having learned from my previous mistake, I used plasticine which I found to be much more forgiving when trying to create forms. Having not had any prop making experience at this stage, I opted to get my narrative across with the use of paper props.

© 2019 - 2020 by Hannah Benn -  Prop Making - Video -  Modelling

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